people are not what they say
Sometimes its not hard do figure out someone.
If you try to hide something for me,
do it well,
because im smarter than you,
and i will find out what it is before you think i do!
Dont try time, im not what you think i am.
In the end i might just start resenting you,
and push you away.
Im not much for forgiveness or forgettning.
But if i forgive you, i will never forgett.
If you try to hide something for me,
do it well,
because im smarter than you,
and i will find out what it is before you think i do!
Dont try time, im not what you think i am.
In the end i might just start resenting you,
and push you away.
Im not much for forgiveness or forgettning.
But if i forgive you, i will never forgett.